Our Partners

 There are many existing and new projects initiated by the Pakistani diaspora to contribute to uplifting Pakistan.  Khuddar Pakistan wants to partner with these philanthropic entrepreneurs from across the globe to help uplift Pakistan. In this page we would like to highlight our partners and some of the projects that they are pursuing:

(PS: If you are an organization that would like to partner with us please reach out to us at KhuddarPak@gmail.com or through our Contact Us page)

Higher Education Muhammad Abdullah Higher Education Muhammad Abdullah


Key Focal: Dr. Qamar Khan

Website: https://www.emedtalks.org/

eMedTalks is a library of free online medical lectures being prepared by Dr. Qamar Khan and other highly qualified physicians. The lectures are designed to provide up-to-date medical knowledge to medical students and practitioners around the globe with the objective of improving patient care. The lectures will cover several sub-specialties.

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