What is One Community One Village (OCOV)?
One Community One Village is a program in which one expatriate community adopts one village in Pakistan by taking care of school, health clinic, and clean water. There are hundreds of expat communities around the globe, which means there is an opportunity to uplift hundreds of villages across Pakistan.
Khuddar Pakistan will provide a list of villages, and the financial estimates to provide the required facilities. The expat community will select a village and make a financial commitment according to the estimate for that village. Alternatively, you can also provide a new name (e.g. a member of your community may nominate their own village). Khuddar Pakistan will then work with you to get estimates for the needs of the village.
Once a community has selected their village and made the commitment, Khuddar Pakistan will convert that commitment into reality to make sure the village children are in school, everyone has access to clean water, and access to a health facility.
In order to provide these services, Khuddar Pakistan has partnered with very experienced and reputable organizations. They are mainly Takmil for education, Hassan Foundation for water, and APPS UK Foundation for health facilities.
For more details, please contact us at here or send an email directly at KhuddarPak@gmail.com.